Frequently Asked Questions
What is Sociology?
Sociology is the study of social life. Sociologists investigate the structure of groups, organizations, and societies. Because all human behavior is social, our subject matter ranges from intimate families to hostile mobs; from crime to religion; from the divisions of race, gender, and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture; from the sociology of work to the sociology of emotions.
What can I do with a degree in Sociology?
Students who graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Sociology have numerous career options. Some go on to work for social service agencies or educational institutions; others work in human resources, criminal justice, and urban planning; others enter graduate programs in one of the social sciences, education, law, social work, public administration, public health, medicine, or business.
How do I declare a major or minor in Sociology?
If you are thinking about declaring Sociology as your major or minor, please visit Major or Minor or the College of Arts and Sciences' information pages for Majors or Minors.
How can I register for a closed course or a course requiring a permit?
Students who need a permit to register for a "Majors Only" class should talk with the instructor of the desired class. A permit for the class can only be given by the instructor, and at the instructor’s discretion. Instructors will provide a permit form on which you write your name, U#, course number, course section, and reference number. The instructor must sign this form. After obtaining the instructor's signature, deliver this form to CPR 209 where a staff member will put the electronic permit into the computer so you can register for the class later in the day.
Which Sociology courses are part of the General Education curriculum?
For a list of courses currently approved to meet the Enhanced General Education requirements, please visit the Course Inventory.
Are internships available and are they required for the major?
Yes, internships are available, but not required for the major. Please visit our Internships & Community Engagement page or contact the Undergraduate Program Director for additional details.
How often should I see my advisor?
First year students will have an Academic Advising Hold (AA Hold) during their first year that requires students meet with their advisor once a semester. All other students are encouraged to meet with their advisor at least once a semester.
How can I schedule an appointment with the Sociology advisor?
Visit the College of Arts & Sciences Advising website.
I have a hold on my registration. What does it mean and how do I get it removed?
Students should email or schedule an appointment with their advisor if they have holds preventing registration. Please see the list of common registration holds from the Office of the Registrar.
Is there an Honors Program in Sociology?
Yes. See Honors Program
Can another statistics course substitute for STA 2122 Social Science Statistics?
Yes, an equivalent Statistics course may be used with advisor approval.
How can I become more involved in the Department?
Sociology and ISS students at USF have their own club. Check it out on BullsConnect.
Do I need foreign language for Sociology if I took two years of the same language in high school?
In addition to the foreign language entrance requirement, all students applying for a Bachelor of Arts degree from USF must demonstrate competency in a foreign language. To demonstrate this competency, students may take either two semesters of a beginning college-level foreign language or one semester of a higher-level course and earn a letter grade of “C” (no “S” grades) or above in the appropriate level course or demonstrate equivalent competency by passing an examination. American Sign Language courses may be used to fulfill the language requirement.
Are there courses that are offered seasonally and required for the major?
The required core courses for Sociology are offered in the fall and spring terms.
May I register for Sociology courses even if I haven’t declared Sociology as a major?
Yes, but if Sociology is your intended major, please make sure you officially declare it as your major.
What is the lowest acceptable grade for Sociology courses?
Only courses in which a grade of "C-" or better is earned will count toward the minimum hours although lower grades are included in calculating the major GPA.
How many credit hours may I transfer into the Sociology program from another institution?
No more than nine credits from another institution may be accepted as part of the Sociology major requirements.