University of South Florida

College of Engineering

USF College of Engineering News


CSE Hosts FCRAR 2023

The 36th Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics, FCRAR 2023, was held at the Marshall Student Center on May 18 to 20, 2023. The conference was chaired by Prof Alfredo Weitzenfeld from Computer Science and Engineering.

FCRAR is an academic conference in the field of robotics held every year since 1988 at a different university in Florida. After three years of being online due to Covid, the event was held again in person. FCRAR brings together students and faculty doing research in different areas of robotics. The conference offers both undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to present their latest research work and provides a forum for discussion to both students and faculty. Event is free for all participants.

In 2023, the event included robotic competitions, demos, and research lab visits (Biorobotics, CARRT, RPAL, REED/CAREN), in addition to the main conference talks consisting of 14 presentations. Invited speakers included Prof. Yu Sun from the USF Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Dr. Redwan Alqasemi from the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. The conference also included a presentation from the regional IEEE-RAS FWCS chapter. The event was attended by 35 students and faculty from 10 universities in Florida (USF, FAMU, FSU, ERAU, FIT, FAU, UWF, UF, FIU, UM) and Citadel from South Carolina. 

The event was financially supported by USF ResearchOne and an internal USF conference award. 

To read more about the event, see the website:

Or click here to see the conference proceedings.

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