General Website Info

Folder Structure

Screenshot of Pages in CMS
This is where the majority of the work will be done. Use the folder structure found in this view to navigate to the various pages that need to be edited. If access to a particular folder/ directory or page has not been granted, the folder/directory or page will show up as plain black text instead of a blue hyperlink.

When using the folder structure to navigate, users must have access to the directories/folders leading to the page to be edited in order to traverse through the structure.

The breadcrumb found next to the home icon at the upper-left is how to navigate backwards through the folder structure. You can navigate through the folder structure by clicking through the breadcrumbs next to the home icon in the upper-left corner.

Screenshot of Pages overview on the CMS

Navigating Between Frames

When logged in to the USF CMS, navigating between pages and the folder structure can be accomplished by clicking on the folder icon found on the top lefthand side of the Pages view. You can keep the folder open as you work or minimize it by clicking the "X".

Screenshot of Frames viewScreenshot of Frames view with folders