Employee Experience Team

Culture & Engagement

Contact Us
Name Title Phone

General Inquiries: HR-EmployeeEngagement@usf.edu

Amanda Hardwick

Employee Engagement Manager

Lindsay D'Ascenzio Employee Engagement Lead 813-974-4006


The interplay of University culture and employee engagement is at the heart of the employee experience. Culture, often referred to as an organization’s “personality,” is based on the values and vision of the organization. At USF, our core values of Inquiry, Innovation, Integrity, and Inclusion are outlined in the USF strategic plan. Engaged employees believe in these values and the vision of the organization. They see that they are real throughout all levels of the University and that their work contributes to a greater good. 

Did you Know? Engagement can be measured!

Engagement is the thread to the employee experience and university culture. By providing you with data-driven insights and strategic recommendations, we empower you to make informed decisions that motivate and engage our workforce. This ultimately contributes to a higher performing and more satisfying work environment, solidifying USF's position as a top employer.

Learn more about our Employee Engagement Survey here.