News & Updates

$4.8M Mellon Foundation grant opens internship opportunities for USF humanities students
For the first time, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation — the nation’s largest supporter of the arts and humanities — invited the University of South Florida to submit a proposal last spring for one of its humanities internship grants. The foundation awarded the college a five-year, $4.8 million grant that will support up to 900 students each year in otherwise unpaid internships. The beneficiaries will be undergraduate students majoring in humanities.
January 15, 2025Department News, Honors and Awards

Dear Reader, USF’s first Taylor Swift course just wrapped a semester of puns and poetry
A trio of English professors taught the class. Jessica Cook, Michelle Taylor and Emily Jones agreed it made them feel like they’re part of a special intellectual and cultural community.
December 12, 2024English in the News

English professor featured in 'Best American Poetry'
Natalie Scenters-Zapico, an award-winning poet and assistant professor in the Department of English, is gaining global recognition. Scenters-Zapico, who shapes the local literary community as director of the Michael Kuperman Memorial Poetry Library, has a poem in the prestigious “Best American Poetry” anthology, cementing her work as essential reading at USF and for audiences across the country.
November 22, 2024Accomplishments
About Department News
Department of English students, alumni, and faculty can submit news of accomplishments and events for our News section. We welcome announcements of publications, works presented, jobs procured, awards garnered, scholarships awarded, graduate school placements, and upcoming events.