News & Updates


Time's Agent by Brenda Peynado

USF professor’s new sci-fi novella, “Time’s Agent,” explores love, loss, time travel, and robots

With the publication of her new book, “Time’s Agent,” Department of English Assistant Professor Brenda Peynado reflects on her professional journey to this point and offers advice to other creatives looking to enter the field.

September 24, 2024Department News, Publications

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

Dr. Valerie Lipscomb contributes expertise on literature and aging in new book

Dr. Valerie Barnes Lipscomb served as a lead editor and contributor on the recently published “The Palgrave Handbook of Literature and Aging,” which features more than 30 contributors on three continents and 200,000 words of new scholarship.

September 16, 2024Department News, Publications

St. Pete Campus English Professor Publishes Book on Scholarly Life of the Classroom

St. Pete Campus English Professor Publishes Book on Scholarly Life of the Classroom

Thomas Hallock, Professor of English at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg campus, recently published his book titled "Road Course in Early American Literature: Travel and Teaching from Atzlán to Amherst".

April 16, 2021Publications

Department of English News Banner

Poetry Student Published in Anthology

Undergraduate student writer Deborah Locicero recently published one of her many successful poems from this course, her ode, in poetry anthology “Florida Bards: Gulf Coast Poets, Pinellas County.” We interviewed Locicero about her experience.

August 20, 2020Publications

Undergraduate Student Published in Professor Grewal’s Class

Undergraduate Student Published in Professor Grewal’s Class

USF undergraduate student Karen Gonzalez-Videla’s first publication, “A Catalog of the Events After I Boarded a Plane in Buenos Aires, Argentina,” appeared in Sidereal Magazine’s sixth issue.

July 17, 2020Publications

About Department News

Department of English students, alumni, and faculty can submit news of accomplishments and events for our News section. We welcome announcements of publications, works presented, jobs procured, awards garnered, scholarships awarded, graduate school placements, and upcoming events.