
Student Services


Waitlisting is a function that academic departments may employ to allow students to add themselves to a waitlist for a course that is full. Once you are waitlisted for a course section, you will receive notification via e-mail of 24 hours to register if a seat becomes available in that section. Waitlisting is on a "first-come-first-serve" basis.

Apply For Graduation

Bachelor's, Master's, ED.S. or Ph.D. Degree application for graduation and the graduation survey must both be submitted online by the deadline listed in your respective catalog. Some academic colleges require earlier application; see your advising office. Apply To Graduate via Student Self-Service (formerly OASIS).

Fee Adjustments Related to ARC Petitions

You may file a Fee Adjustment Form related to a recently approved (within six months of the end of the semester for consideration) ARC Petition. Please note: ARC decisions do not affect fee liability, nor will a fee adjustment form be approved because the ARC petition was approved. Please see the details related to Fee Adjustments and find the form on this website.