Clifford R. Merz

Senior Research Faculty Ocean Engineer
PhD Engineering Science, 2008
Office Phone: 727-553-3729
CV: View CV
Research: Dr. Merz's research focuses on improving our understanding of the workings of the coastal ocean for a variety of environmental and ecological applications. The COMPS overall program goal is to provide real-time data for emergency management use and to improve description and understanding of the relevant physical processes that control coastal flooding, and oceanographic Gulf of Mexico circulation driven effects on red tides, oil spills and Coast Guard search and rescue operations. Dr. Merz’s research interests include a better understanding of the water/energy nexus and enhancing the technical knowledge and application of marine renewable energy and water purification techniques to isolated regions.
Specialties: Ocean Engineering: Coastal Surface Current HF Radar, Marine Salinity Gradient Power Generation, Microalgal and Chitosan Bioproduction, Marine Desalinization.