HIPAA Research Compliance Program

Mission and Purpose:

The mission of the HIPAA Compliance Program is to facilitate researchers' access to Protected Health Information (PHI) to further research and ensure compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 (a.k.a. the "Privacy Rule").

The purpose of the HIPAA Compliance Program is to ensure that research studies involving the use, disclosure or collection of PHI are conducted with the utmost respect to the study participants' privacy and confidentiality rights, thereby preserving and maintaining public trust in the University.


The HIPAA Compliance Program extends directly or indirectly to any researcher who is conducting research using PHI, whether the researcher's primary appointment is with a USF Covered Component or not. The HIPAA Compliance Program also renders service to USF affiliates whose studies involve PHI.

For more information regarding the HIPAA Program:
Email HIPAA-research@usf.edu