Comparative Medicine
Comparative Medicine

Contributing to a greater understanding of life
Comparative Medicine contributes to a greater understanding of life through studies that define and compare complex living organisms and processes.
The University of South Florida affirms that respect for all forms of life is an inherent characteristic of scientists who conduct research involving animals, that the respectful treatment, care and use of animals involved in research is an ethical and scientific necessity, and that the use of animals in research and teaching contributes to the advancement of knowledge and the acquisition of understanding.
Comparative Medicine serves as the advocate for animals involved in research at the University of South Florida, and provides a fully accredited, centralized service of pathogen-free animal procurement, husbandry, health surveillance, and quality control, and is the Tampa Bay regional resource for laboratory animal-related services.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) provides oversight and evaluation of the animal care and use program, its procedures and facilities to ensure that they are consistent with the Animal Welfare Act and University Policy #0-308 (PDF).
comparative medicine Accreditation and Certification

Comparative Medicine is fully accredited by AAALAC International as program #000434, is managed in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (PDF), the PHS Policy (Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals), the FDA Good Laboratory Practices, and the IACUC Principles and Procedures of Animal Care and Use (PDF), has an assurance #D16-00589 (A4100-01) on file with OLAW/PHS and maintains registration #58-R-0015 with USDA/Animal Welfare Services.
Comparative Medicine veterinarians are Florida-licensed, members of the AVMA, and are specialty board certified by ACLAM, and/or have research doctorates. Comparative Medicine maintains institutional membership with AALAS. All program staff are AALAS-certified, and many are either registered with the Society of Quality Assurance, and/or certified by the Academy of Surgical Research, or are State of Florida-certified veterinary technicians.
- Comparative Medicine Program and Facility Information (PDF)
- Office of laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) Assurance (PDF)
- AAALAC International Accreditation (PDF)
- USDA Registration (PDF)