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Hispanic Heritage Month 2022

USF CMS Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs through October 15th, Ana Arellano conducted a Q&A with members of our Hispanic/Latinx/a/o community here at the USF College of Marine Science.

October 7, 2022Blogs and Perspectives, Diversity

Early evening view of the North Pacific.

Lessons Learned in the North Pacific

The cruise came after my first year as a master’s student, so I spent the year leading up to the cruise learning about ocean processes and reading about sea-going research.

August 22, 2022Blogs and Perspectives

Makenzie Kerr, Natalie Sawaya & Karyna Rosario snorkeling selfie. Photo by Makenzie Kerr.

Viruses thrive in aquatic plants in Florida’s springs

Recently, the focus has been on viruses in macrophytes, a diverse group of photosynthetic plant-like organisms that are visible with the naked eye, in Florida’s beautiful freshwater springs.

August 16, 2022Blogs and Perspectives

USF CMS alumna Dr. Christin Murphy at an outreach event while a graduate student at the college.

A Q&A with Dr. Christin Murphy

An adept speaker, Dr. Murphy excels in communicating her cross-disciplinary studies through dance, humor, and emphatic excitement for her work and the applications they hold. Dr. Christin Murphy is a wealth of career advice, scientific knowledge, and a pioneer in bio-technology.

July 22, 2022Blogs and Perspectives

The R/V Weatherbird II preparing for a five day cruise in the Gulf of Mexico. Photo credit: Carlyn Scott

Stretching our Sea Legs: A story from the 2022 Pelagic Ecology Cruise

This course gives students an opportunity to experience a research cruise – especially powerful for those who, for one reason or another, may otherwise have gone their whole time at CMS with dry feet.

June 29, 2022Blogs and Perspectives

Erica Ombres and her family enjoying Washington, DC

Q&A with CMS Alum Dr. Erica Ombres

Oceanography may seem an unlikely career choice for someone who grew up in Yuma, Arizona and never heard of a career in “marine science” as a kid. Graduate school wasn’t on the radar, either when Erica Ombres pursued her bachelor’s at the University of Arizona in Tucson. After all, no one in her family had earned an advanced degree, she said.

June 29, 2022Blogs and Perspectives

The NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer docked in port in Newport, Rhode Island. The Okeanos Explorer, commissioned in 2008, is the only federal vessel designated with the sole mission of ocean exploration.

Adventure and Exploration on the High-Seas aboard the Okeanos Explorer

This summer as part of a NOAA Explorer-In-Training internship, Catalina Rubiano received the incredible opportunity to sail on the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer – a dream come true for any ocean science nerd.

May 23, 2022Blogs and Perspectives

Group shot in front of MSL

CMS hosts Women in Science Leadership Training

The CMS served as home base for a two-day workshop for women called “Building Leadership Skills for Success in the Scientific Workforce.”

May 16, 2022Blogs and Perspectives

The Antarctic Core Collection at OSU-MGR. Each rack contains sediment cores from various USAP expeditions. Once the cores are opened, they are separated into a “sample” half that we can take samples from and an “archive” half that is imaged, x-rayed, and run through various instruments.

Visiting a unique library in Oregon to sample old, Antarctic mud

Sampling archived sediment cores can illuminate how the Antarctic ice sheet responds to warming climate.

March 31, 2022Blogs and Perspectives

Bea Combs-Hintze, PhD student at her desk at USF CMS, creating digital ecosystems.

It’s all about Balance – in life, and in modeling

Life these days is about seeking balance: between work, research, self-care, and motherhood preparations.

March 23, 2022Blogs and Perspectives

Caption: Left to right are Kendra Daly, Amber Hill (NESDIS Program Coordination Officer), Lieutenant Commander Cherisa Friedlander, NOAA Flag Aide, Kristen Buck, Katelyn Schockman, Catalina Rubiano, Frank Muller-Karger, Tom Frazer, Gary Mitchum, Rick Spinrad, Mark Luther, Steve Murawski, Jill Thompson-Grim, Bob Weisberg.

NOAA Administrator visits USF CMS, inspires crowd at Hub ribbon-cutting

On March 2nd a group from the USF College of Marine Science (USF CMS) led by dean Tom Frazer welcomed the Honorable Dr. Richard “Rick” Spinrad, the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans & Atmosphere and the 11th NOAA Administrator, to St. Petersburg for a short visit.

March 9, 2022Blogs and Perspectives

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Graduate Student Symposium 2022

On February 18th, the College of Marine Science hosted the Graduate Student Symposium (GSS), an annual event where students present their research via poster and oral presentations with judges conferring first and second place awards.

February 22, 2022Blogs and Perspectives

Mission Statement

Our blue planet faces a suite of challenges and opportunities for understanding and innovation. Our mission is to advance understanding of the interconnectivity of ocean systems and human-ocean interactions using a cross-disciplinary approach, to empower the next workforce of the blue economy with a world-class education experience, and to share our passion for a healthy environment and science-informed decision-making with community audiences near and far.