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Students conduct science at sea
Education and research combined for students aboard a five-day cruise on the Florida Institute of Oceanography’s R/V Weatherbird II.
September 20, 2023News

Rising Tides - September 2023
View some of the highlights in the Rising Tides Newsletter, September 2023 edition.
September 8, 2023Rising Tides Newsletter

Watch the Fall 2023 CMS Faculty Seminar
The annual faculty seminars offer an opportunity for students to get to know their professors and peers.
September 6, 2023Blogs and Perspectives

Researchers propose a global observatory to monitor Earth’s biodiversity
The Global Biodiversity Observing System is a proposal designed to improve monitoring efforts of Earth’s biodiversity and, in turn, improve conservation in an age of climate change.
August 25, 2023News, Publication Highlights

Deep-diving gliders capture key ocean data for hurricane forecasting
New NOAA funding means ocean gliders operated by the USF College of Marine Science will help hurricane experts forecast storm intensity in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean.
August 11, 2023News

Putting robots in the water: the trials and tribulations of marine engineering
Marine engineering isn’t typically something you would think of when imagining an engineer’s potential career path. Despite this, it makes a lot of sense that the fields of marine science and engineering overlap.
August 7, 2023Blogs and Perspectives

Venezuelan scientists team up to save irreplaceable data on biodiversity
In times of political unrest, science often suffers. This is the case in Venezuela. The country has faced a series of political and socioeconomic crises that sparked an exodus of citizens, including many scientists, who fled the country for opportunities elsewhere
August 3, 2023Blogs and Perspectives

Forging a road through interdisciplinary applications of hydrography
Underwater, we’re investigating everything from shipwrecks to paleo landscape features (e.g., shell middens which are essentially the waste piles from prehistoric and indigenous peoples) to submerged towns.
July 21, 2023Blogs and Perspectives

LIFE at sea
The mission of our R.V. Nancy Foster expedition: To map the seafloor of a new area on Blake’s Plateau using multibeam sonar. Just adding another puzzle piece to the global map of the ocean floor!
July 20, 2023Blogs and Perspectives

Unforgettable Times aboard the NOAA ship, Nancy Foster
This was my first-time being part of a scientific party at-sea. It was impressive to see the workflow, drills, and communication among ship members.
July 18, 2023Blogs and Perspectives

Hydrography: The Ship, The Storm, and the Grad Student
One of the things that made the Nancy Foster cruise stand out was the range of experience of the science party. This training opportunity allowed undergraduates, graduate students, post docs, and other scientists to all work toward the same goal.
July 13, 2023Blogs and Perspectives

Ship granted to USF will enhance Florida Institute of Oceanography’s efforts to build a robust ocean science and maritime workforce
After a 4,000-mile journey, a 117-foot twin-hulled ship granted to the University of South Florida (USF) is docked at its new home port in St. Petersburg, where it will be operated by the Florida Institute of Oceanography (FIO) to offer transformative opportunities for students to explore and advance the field of ocean science.
July 12, 2023News