
Lauri Wright and Interns at the University of Ghana Medical Center

USF Professor, interns travel to Ghana to learn about malnutrition and provide care

USF College of Public Health Associate Professor Lauri Wright has been going to Ghana for seven years now to work with dietitians to prevent and treat malnutrition. But for the first time this summer, she brought a group of five USF graduate students as interns. Read about their experiences on the journey.

August 23, 2024Faculty & Staff, Students

Nirmita standing by the USF bull statue

Q&A with Nirmita Roy, a STEM graduate’s work in wearable electronics

Follow the Q&A with Nirmita Roy who recently graduated with her STEM doctorate at USF.

August 19, 2024Alumni, Global Networks

a group of international graduating students with their international sashes on in an auditorium

International students celebrated at sash ceremony before summer 2024 commencement ceremonies

The Class of 2024 carries the distinction of being the one that started amid the pandemic. Hear from a graduating student about her experiences at USF.

August 7, 2024Events, Students

Abdullah Alabdullah holding a baseball and usf representative

USF alum is preserving Saudi history through film

Alabdullah has a passion for the preservation of audiovisuals, specifically of those that come from Saudi homes. Read more about Abdullah Alabdullah and how he realized his passion.

August 1, 2024Alumni, Global Networks

A group of USF nursing students in Colombia posing with a USF banner in front of a statue

USF nursing students get clinical experience in Barranquilla, Colombia

USF nursing students traveled to Barranquilla, Colombia to participate in a 10-day clinical program with USF’s partner of more than 30 years, Universidad del Norte. Read what they had to say.

June 27, 2024Global Networks, Students

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