News Articles
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Celebrating the Success of the Making Waves REU 2024
We want to take a moment to express our sincere gratitude for the dedication that the mentors, graduate students, program coordinators, and USF personnel provided during the 2024 Making Waves REU (MWREU) program.
October 3, 2024Blogs and Perspectives, Making Waves REU

Deep-sea discovery shines light on life in the twilight zone
A GEOTRACES expedition in the Pacific Ocean revealed low levels of iron in the ocean’s twilight zone. A paper detailing the unexpected findings was published this week in Nature.
September 19, 2024News

Revealed by satellites: Long-term trends of coastal water quality in Qatar
In a recent article, members of the Optical Oceanography Lab used satellite observations to track changes to coastal water quality in Qatar, where a fast-growing economy comes with environmental challenges.
September 16, 2024Publication Highlights

An “invasive” marine organism has become an economic resource in the eastern Mediterranean
A recent paper on foraminifera in the eastern Mediterranean offers a unique perspective on the complex interactions between humans and marine environments.
September 12, 2024News

Team led by USF alum discovers seamount, new species along Nazca Ridge
This discovery of a deep-sea mountain is the latest in a string of new seafloor data gathered in the Nazca Ridge area by scientists led by Jyotika Virmani at the Schmidt Ocean Institute.
September 9, 2024News

Research shines at the Fall 2024 CMS Faculty Seminar Series
An annual tradition, the faculty seminar kicks off the Fall semester and is a chance for faculty members to present their latest research to the College.
September 9, 2024Blogs and Perspectives, News

Founded by CMS students, new ESA section promotes marine and coastal ecology
CMS doctoral candidates Natalia López Figueroa and Michael Schram founded the ESA coastal and marine ecology section to foster a space for marine scientists to present their research.
August 30, 2024Blogs and Perspectives, News

Three CMS students earn prestigious USF Fellowships
Three student from the USF College of Marine Science were awarded 2024 Office of Graduate Studies Fellowships.
August 21, 2024Awards, Blogs and Perspectives

Rising Tides August 2024
View some of the highlights in the Rising Tides Newsletter, August 2024 edition.
August 13, 2024Rising Tides Newsletter

Device built from scratch helps scientists tackle a fish-spawning mystery
A CMS student built a Continuous Underway Fish Egg Samper, or a CUFES for a new SHELF project to determine what species of fish and where they are spawning on the West Florida Shelf. This device took its maiden voyage in late June.
August 12, 2024News

Estuaries in South Florida are warming faster than the Gulf of Mexico and global ocean
Using satellite data, CMS researchers found that sea surface temperatures in four estuaries in South Florida have risen faster than sea surface temperatures globally and in the Gulf of Mexico.
August 7, 2024News

Sea World Celebration
Campers celebrate a successful 2024 Oceanography Camp Especially for Girls at sea world.
August 6, 2024Blogs and Perspectives, Girls Camp