News Articles
Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years

Laboratory Activities
The final week of OCG consisted of multiple laboratory activities.
August 1, 2024Blogs and Perspectives, Girls Camp

Coral Reef Cake Activity
Campers learned about coral reefs in this activity.
July 31, 2024Blogs and Perspectives, Girls Camp

Caladesi Island Field Trips
Throughout the Oceanography camp, the girls experience many excursions and field trips to interesting places.
July 30, 2024Blogs and Perspectives, Girls Camp

REU scholars make waves on campus
Eleven students participated in the Making Waves Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program hosted by the College of Marine Science and led by Ana Arellano this summer. The participants engaged in various interdisciplinary ocean research and science communication experiences.
July 29, 2024Blogs and Perspectives, Diversity

Laboratory Activities
The fish ecology lab provides campers with the opportunity to learn about fish and how they impact the environment.
July 29, 2024Blogs and Perspectives, Girls Camp

Field days at Fort De Soto
At Fort De Soto there were three stations, where the campers rotated between collecting sediments, nutrients, and seine net samples.
July 26, 2024Blogs and Perspectives, Girls Camp

Students from across the country spent their summer at USF conducting ocean and weather research
Undergraduate students from across the country spent their summer on USF's St. Petersburg and Tampa campuses, immersing themselves in research focused on oceanography, weather, climate change and science communication.

Shell Key Field Trips
Shell Key is an island that the OCG campers kayak out to for one of their three field trips.
July 25, 2024Blogs and Perspectives, Girls Camp

ANGARI Cruise Field Trip
The OCG campers and staff all had an amazing time aboard the R/V ANGARI.
July 24, 2024Blogs and Perspectives, Girls Camp

Ocean Concept Rotations
Ocean concept rotations allow the OCG campers to learn about the different layers of the oceans.
July 22, 2024Blogs and Perspectives, Girls Camp

USF launches MBAs in blue economy, personal financial planning, and healthcare leadership
Beginning this fall, students seeking an MBA at the University of South Florida will have three new offerings to consider. The new concentrations — blue economy, personal financial planning, and healthcare leadership — are designed to address the evolving needs of the global market.
July 15, 2024News

The Humpty Dumpty fish tale of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
In a recent paper, Joshua Kilborn modelled the Gulf of Mexico fishery ecosystem trends and trajectory over time and better understand the factors that influenced their evolution.
July 8, 2024Publication Highlights