SPA In The News
October 2024

2024 Election Survey Series, Part 4 Results: Dr. Stephen Neely—in collaboration with Savannah Havird and Megan Corn, MPA Candidates from USF—conducted a nationwide survey of 1,500 registered voters to examine key election-year issues on how social media usage affects political polarization, election-related stress, and belief in election-related misinformation. This report, sponsored by the Florida Center for Cybersecurity at USF, addresses how Americans feel about topics including the economy, election fairness, and more. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online article related to the survey below.
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
August 2024

2024 Election Survey Series, Part 3 Results: Dr. Stephen Neely—in collaboration with Savannah Havird and Megan Corn, MPA Candidates from USF—conducted a nationwide survey of 1,500 registered voters to examine key election-year issues on how social media usage affects political polarization, election-related stress, and belief in election-related misinformation. This report, sponsored by the Florida Center for Cybersecurity at USF, addresses how Americans feel about topics including artificial intelligence and foreign interference in the 2024 election, Joe Biden's decision to drop out of the 2024 Presidential race, and more. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online article related to the survey below.
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
May 2024

2024 Election Survey Series, Part 2 Results: Dr. Stephen Neely—in collaboration with Savannah Havird and Megan Corn, MPA Candidates from USF—conducted a nationwide survey of 1,500 registered voters to examine key election-year issues on how social media usage affects political polarization, election-related stress, and belief in election-related misinformation. This report, sponsored by the Florida Center for Cybersecurity at USF, addresses how Americans feel about topics including immigration, Presidential job approval, and more. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online article related to the survey below.
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
January 2024

2024 Election Survey Series, Part 1 Results: Dr. Stephen Neely—in collaboration with Savannah Havird, an MPA Candidate from USF—conducted a nationwide survey of 1,500 registered voters to examine key election-year issues on how social media usage affects political polarization, election-related stress, and belief in election-related misinformation. This report, sponsored by the Florida Center for Cybersecurity at USF, addresses how Americans feel about topics including political polarization, inflation, and more. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online article and view the media coverage related to the survey below.
Tampa Bay Times
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
November 2023

2023 National Security Survey Results: Dr. Stephen Neely conducted a nationwide survey of 1,200 eligible voters to measure attitudes related to the ongoing war in Ukraine, recent violence in the Middle East, and laws governing how elected officials handle classified documents in the United States. This report provides topline results, including key differences based on political affiliation. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online article related to the survey below.
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
September 2023

2023 Florida Health Policy and Administration Survey Results: Dr. Stephen Neely—in collaboration with Dr. Kaila Witkowski from the Florida International University—conducted a statewide survey of 600 adult Floridians to measure attitudes related to several health policy issues, including the use of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the Opioid crisis, COVID-19 misinformation, and medical marijuana. This report, sponsored by the Florida Center for Cybersecurity at USF, provides topline results, including key differences based on political affiliation. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online article related to the survey below.
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
July 2023
2023 Florida Government and Politics Survey Results: Dr. Stephen Neely—in collaboration with Dr. J. Edwin Benton from the USF School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies—conducted a statewide survey of 600 adult Floridians as a supplement to Government and Politics in Florida (4th edition). This report provides topline results on public opinions related to the approval of the Governor and State Legislature, political climate, education policy, housing policy, and healthcare policy. The brief summarizes the key findings.
March 2023

2023 COVID-19 Pandemic Survey Results: Dr. Stephen Neely—in collaboration with Dr. Feng Hao from the USF Department of Sociology—conducted a nationwide survey of 2,500 American adults to measure attitudes related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including opinions about vaccination, exposure to/belief in vaccine-related misinformation, and concerns about potential future outbreaks. This report provides topline results, including key differences based on political affiliation. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online article and view the media coverage related to the survey below.
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
WUSF News (Tampa)
October 2022

2022 Florida Pre-Election Inflation Supplement Survey Results: Dr. Stephen Neely conducted a statewide survey of 600 Floridians to measure public opinion on several current policy issues. This supplemental report addresses the impact of inflation on Floridians and their attitudes toward government responses to the rising costs of goods and services. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online article related to the survey below.
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation

2022 Florida Pre-Election Survey Results: Dr. Stephen Neely conducted a statewide survey of 600 Floridians to measure public opinion around the upcoming election. This report summarizes responses related to the most important issues heading into the election, favorability ratings of candidates for Governor and Senate, presidential/gubernatorial job approval, and perceptions of the Democratic and Republican parties. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online articles and view the media coverage related to the survey below.
Tampa Bay Times: Article 1, Article 2
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation

Dr. Christa Remington returned from the Fort Myers area, in the wake of Hurricane Ian, as part of a study she is conducting on the value of social capital in a disaster. Her focus is on the positive impact of "zero responders" – individuals who are first on the scene, before firetrucks and ambulances arrive.
While in Fort Myers, Dr. Remington met with public officials, FEMA personnel, and local nonprofit leaders to discuss how they can leverage social ties and build greater synergy between them, and the grass-roots efforts led by local volunteers. As her research continues, she will conduct a social network analysis, using special software that identifies what people have posted online and when, as well as information collected during focus groups with individuals impacted by Hurricane Ian.
July 2022

2022 Florida Policy Summer Supplement Survey Results: Dr. Stephen Neely—in collaboration with Bethany Bowra, a PhD Candidate from the Florida International University—conducted a statewide survey of 600 Floridians to measure public opinion on several current policy issues. This report, sponsored by the Florida Center for Cybersecurity at USF, addresses how Floridians are being affected by rising gasoline prices, the use of digital applications to save money on gas purchases, and Elon Musk's potential purchase of the social media platform Twitter. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online article and view the media coverage related to the survey below.
Florida Politics
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation

2022 Florida Policy Summer Survey Results: Dr. Stephen Neely—in collaboration with Bethany Bowra, a PhD Candidate from the Florida International University—conducted a statewide survey of 600 Floridians to measure public opinion on several current policy issues. This report addresses the recent Supreme Court ruling on abortion, gun violence/reform, and presidential/gubernatorial job approval. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online articles and view the media coverage related to the survey below.
Tampa Bay Times
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
WFLA Beyond the News, iHeartRadio (Tampa): Article, Podcast
WGFL Channel 4, CBS News (Gainesville)
WTVT Channel 13, FOX News (Tampa)
April 2022

2022 Florida Policy Inflation Supplement Survey Results: Dr. Stephen Neely—in collaboration with Christina Stevens, an MPA Candidate from USF—conducted a statewide survey of 600 Floridians to measure public opinion on several current policy issues. This report addresses higher education in Florida, the Florida housing market, and inflation. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online articles and view the media coverage related to the survey below.
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
WFLA Channel 8, NBC News (Tampa)
WFTS Channel 28, ABC Action News (Tampa)
WTVT Channel 13, FOX News (Tampa)

2022 Florida Policy Survey Results: Dr. Stephen Neely—in collaboration with Christina Stevens, an MPA Candidate from USF—conducted a statewide survey of 600 Floridians to measure public opinion on several current policy issues. This report addresses COVID-19, the U.S. response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and presidential/gubernatorial job approval. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online article and view the media coverage related to the survey below.
Tampa Bay Times
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
January 2022

2022 Electoral Reform Survey Results: Dr. Stephen Neely—in collaboration with Bethany Bowra, a PhD Candidate from the Florida International University—conducted a national survey of 1,000 eligible voters to measure public opinion on a variety of current policy issues. This report addresses public opinions about several proposed electoral/voting reforms, as well as attitudes about the Electoral College. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online article related to the survey below.
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation

2022 National Policy Survey Results: Dr. Stephen Neely—in collaboration with Bethany Bowra, a PhD Candidate from the Florida International University—conducted a national survey of 1,000 eligible voters to measure public opinion on a variety of current policy issues. This report addresses the COVID-19 pandemic, the most important issues facing the United States today, and presidential job approval. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online article related to the survey below.
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
November 2021

2021 Social Media Hygiene Survey Results: Dr. Stephen Neely—in partnership with the USF Florida Center for Cybersecurity (also known as Cyber Florida), Dr. Joshua Scacco from the USF Department of Communication, and several undergraduate students (Zach Blair-Andrews, Sam Rechek, and Courtney Wilkerson)—conducted a nationwide survey of 1,000 U.S. adults to better understand patterns of social media usage, including the management of online privacy and security, as well as the effects of social media usage on social and mental well-being. This report summarizes common uses of social media, including e-commerce and political engagement, as well as some effects of social media usage on social and mental well-being. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online article related to the survey below.
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
August 2021

2021 Florida Conservation and Environmental Policy Survey Results: Dr. Stephen Neely—in collaboration with Dr. Joshua Scacco from the USF Department of Communication—conducted a statewide survey of 600 Floridians to measure public opinion on a variety of current policy issues. This report summarizes attitudes and opinions regarding conservation and environmental policy issues in the state. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online article and view the media coverage related to the survey below.
Tampa Bay Times
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
July 2021

2021 Florida Policy Survey Results and Higher Education Supplement: Dr. Stephen Neely—in collaboration with Dr. Joshua Scacco from the USF Department of Communication—conducted a statewide survey of 600 Floridians to measure public opinion on a variety of current policy issues. The first report addresses infrastructure, education, COVID-19, and presidential/gubernatorial job approval. The second report addresses attitudes toward higher education and student loan debt. Both briefs summarize the key findings, and you can also read the online article and view the media coverage related to the surveys below.
Tampa Bay Times
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
June 2021

2021 Emergency Preparedness Survey Results: Drs. Robin Ersing, Stephen Neely, and Christa Remington conducted a statewide survey of 600 Floridians to measure the preparedness of Floridians for disasters and the impact of COVID-19 on their household readiness. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online article related to the survey below.
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation

2021 COVID-19 Vaccine Survey Results: Drs. Robin Ersing, Stephen Neely, and Christa Remington conducted a statewide survey of 600 Floridians to better understand the factors associated with vaccine hesitancy, as well as to measure policy attitudes related to COVID-19 vaccines. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online articles and view the media coverage related to the survey below.
Florida Phoenix
Florida Politics
Government Executive: Article, Podcast
Tampa Bay Times
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
WFOR Channel 4, CBS News (Miami)
WJXT Channel 4, News4Jax (Jacksonville)
WLRN News (Miami)
WPEC Channel 12, CBS News (West Palm Beach)
WTVT Channel 13, FOX News (Tampa)
March 2021
2021 COVID-19 Fiscal and Service Impact Survey Results: Dr. Stephen Aikins conducted a nationwide survey to determine the effects of COVID-19 mitigation measures on U.S. county and municipal revenue and public services provided, and to identify the policies implemented to address fiscal challenges posed by COVID-19. The brief summarizes the key findings.
January 2021

2021 COVID-19 Vaccine and Policy Survey Results: First Data Set, Second Data Set, Third Data Set: Dr. Stephen Neely—in partnership with the USF Florida Center for Cybersecurity (also known as Cyber Florida)—conducted a nationwide survey of 1,003 U.S. adults to measure attitudes and opinions regarding COVID-19 vaccines, as well as potential federal stimulus policies. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online articles and view the media coverage related to the survey below.
Journal of Medical Internet Research
KKCAL Channel 2, CBS News (Los Angeles)
KCNC Channel 4, CBS News (Denver)
KDKA Channel 2, CBS News (Pittsburgh): Article 1, Article 2
KOVR Channel 13, CBS News (Sacramento)
KPIX Channel 5, CBS News (San Francisco)
Sarasota Herald Tribune
St. Pete Catalyst
Tampa Bay Times
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation: First Data Set, Second Data Set, Third Data Set
WBBM Channel 2, CBS News (Chicago)
WBZ Channel 4, CBS News (Boston)
WCCO Channel 4, CBS News (Minnesota)
WFLA Beyond the News, iHeartRadio (Tampa): Article, Podcast
WFOR Channel 4, CBS News (Miami)
WFTV Channel 9, ABC News (Orlando)
October 2020

2020 Presidential Election Survey, Facebook Results: Drs. Stephen Neely and Elizabeth Strom—in partnership with Dr. Joshua Scacco from the USF Department of Communication—conducted a statewide survey of 600 Floridians to measure their use of Facebook to engage with the presidential election, as well as their attitudes regarding the political information they encounter online. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online articles and view the media coverage related to the survey below.
News Break
Palm Beach Post
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
WFTS Channel 28, ABC Action News (Tampa)
WTVT Channel 13, FOX News (Tampa)
WUSF News (Tampa)

2020 Presidential Election Survey Results: Drs. Stephen Neely and Elizabeth Strom—in partnership with Dr. Joshua Scacco from the USF Department of Communication—conducted a statewide survey of 600 Floridians to measure attitudes and opinions regarding the 2020 presidential election and the current political climate. The brief summarizes the key findings, and you can also read the online articles and view the media coverage related to the survey below.
Florida Politics
News Break
Sun-Sentinel: Article 1, Article 2
Tampa Bay Times
Tampa Patch
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
WFLA Channel 8, NBC News (Tampa)
WTOG Channel 44, CBS News (Tampa)
WTVT Channel 13, FOX News (Tampa)
August 2020

2020 Emergency Preparedness Survey, Hurricanes and COVID-19 Results: Drs. Robin Ersing, Stephen Neely, and Christa Remington conducted a statewide survey of 600 Floridians to measure emergency preparedness, as well as general opinions regarding the COVID-19 public health crisis and related policy issues. The brief summarizes responses related to household readiness for hurricanes and other disasters, and the impact of COVID-19 on that readiness. You can also read the online articles and view the media coverage related to the survey below.
News Break
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
St. Pete Catalyst
St. Pete Patch
Tampa Bay Business Journal
Tampa Bay News Wire
Tampa Bay Times
WFLA Beyond the News, iHeartRadio (Tampa): Article, Podcast
WFLA Channel 8, NBC News (Tampa)
WTSP Channel 10, CBS News (Tampa)

2020 Emergency Preparedness Survey, COVID-19 Results: Drs. Robin Ersing, Stephen Neely, and Christa Remington conducted a statewide survey of 600 Floridians to measure emergency preparedness, as well as general opinions regarding the COVID-19 public health crisis and related policy issues. The brief summarizes responses related to the COVID-19 pandemic. You can also read the online articles and view the media coverage related to the survey below.
Florida Politics: Article 1, Article 2
Florida Trend
News Break
Politico, Florida Playbook
St. Pete Catalyst
Tampa Bay Business Journal
Tampa Bay Times: Article 1, Article 2, Article 3, Article 4
The Hill
USF Newsroom, Research and Innovation
WFLA Beyond the News, iHeartRadio (Tampa): Article, Podcast
WFLA Channel 8, NBC News (Tampa)
WFTS Channel 28, ABC Action News (Tampa)
WINK Channel 11, CBS News (Fort Myers)
WJCT News (Jacksonville)
WJXT Channel 4, News4Jax (Jacksonville)
WMFE News (Orlando)
WOFL Channel 35, FOX News (Orlando)
WOGX Channel 51, FOX News (Gainesville)
WTSP Channel 10, CBS News (Tampa): Article 1, Article 2
WTVT Channel 13, FOX News (Tampa)
WTXL Channel 27, ABC News (Tallahassee)
WUSF News, Health News Florida (Tampa)
March 2020
2019 USF SPA-Nielsen Sunshine State Survey: Dr. Stephen Neely—in partnership with Nielsen and Dr. Joshua Scacco from the USF Department of Communication—conducted a statewide survey of 600 Floridians to assess the social and economic impacts of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, public health situation. The 2019 Sunshine State Survey covered a wide range of timely and critical issues facing Florida's residents and business, non-profit, and government leaders. View the full survey results or a summary of the data collected.
February 2020
2019 USF SPA-Nielsen Sunshine State Survey: Dr. Stephen Neely—in partnership with Nielsen and Dr. Joshua Scacco from the USF Department of Communication—conducted a statewide survey of 600 Floridians to assess public opinion related to the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, public health situation. The 2019 Sunshine State Survey covered a wide range of timely and critical issues facing Florida's residents and business, non-profit, and government leaders. View the full survey results or a summary of the data collected.

2019-20 USF SPA-New Tampa Business Climate Study: A group of MURP graduate students, led by Samuel Becker, took a deep look into the New Tampa area businesses—to evaluate the problems and potential solutions to local economic development—using community engaged-projects with City of Tampa Mayor Jane Castor and local business leaders like City of Tampa (District 7) Councilman Luis Viera, the North Tampa Bay Chamber of Commerce, New Tampa Rotary, and the Director of Transportation and Planning for the Tampa Downtown Partnership Karen Kress.
View the full study report or download the community presentation. You can also read the online articles related to the study below.
Neighborhood News: Feb 2020, Jan 2020, Aug 2019, Jun 2019, Apr 2019
Tampa Bay Times: Feb 2020
September 2019
2019 USF SPA-Cyber Florida Local Government Cybersecurity Survey Report: As part of a series of state-wide cybersecurity workshops for local government officials, Drs. Stephen Neely and Ron Sanders—in partnership with the USF Florida Center for Cybersecurity (also known as Cyber Florida) and co-sponsored by the Florida City and County Management Association (FCCMA), the Florida League of Cities (FLC), and the Florida Local Government Information Systems Association (FLGISA)—developed and conducted a cyber readiness survey of local government chief executives (i.e., city managers, county administrators, and their equivalents) about the priority they place on cybersecurity, and more importantly, the steps they have taken to ensure that the governments they lead have done everything possible to mitigate the risk of cybercrimes committed against their citizens. They also collaborated on editing a report on best cybersecurity practices for those local governments, and delivering a series of cybersecurity workshops for local government officials and professionals.
May 2019

Four teams of our Spring 2019 MPA Capstone students tackled some of Hillsborough County's most pressing management challenges—and they presented their findings to the County Administrator and his executive team. Our students helped the County officials develop: (1) a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Quality of Life (QOL) metrics, as well as the preliminary design of a web-based performance dashboard for the County's website; (2) a long-term strategy for fiscal sustainability, focusing on an in-depth analysis of several benchmark counties across the country; (3) the integration of two major social service programs for the County—Head Start and Adult Education—to foster better family learning among the jurisdiction's most needy; and (4) the beginnings of a comprehensive Affordable Housing strategy to take advantage of the County's booming development.
September 2018
2018 USF SPA-Sarasota County Opinion Survey Results: With growth comes changing constituent demands, perceptions, and needs. The 2018 Sarasota County Opinion Survey covers issues Sarasota County residents may be facing in an attempt to gain insight into the factors that may be impacting their overall perception of quality of life.