USFRI Newsroom
Research & Innovation Articles
Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years
Hurricane hunting to beach erosion: USF prepares next generation for weather-related expertise
Students from across the state and nation are heading into the height of hurricane season more knowledgeable about the weather and climate. It comes from spending their summer at USF learning through a unique lens that only the Tampa Bay region could provide: hurricane hunters and beach ecosystems.
August 3, 2023Research, Student Research
Uncovering ancient history: USF team discovers 2,000-year-old Roman house during excavation in Malta
A team of researchers and six students from the University of South Florida have discovered a centuries-old house in exceptional condition during an excavation in Malta, a country located in the Mediterranean Sea.
July 26, 2023Global Research, Research, Student Research
From ponds to parks: USF researchers tackle environmental injustice in East Tampa
Students and faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Anthropology and the College of Engineering’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering gathered in a large ballroom at Ragan Park in East Tampa in late April to host a student film festival event featuring student films on oral histories the students collected from seniors and others in the community over the spring semester.
July 25, 2023Research, Student Research
USF student wins Guy Harvey Foundation Scholarship for marine science research
A University of South Florida student has received a $5,000 Guy Harvey Scholarship Award, an honor that recognizes university students studying marine science and ocean conservation.
June 5, 2023Student Research
From class project to county policy: How a student’s proposal led to free bus rides for all veterans
What started as a class project, where students tackle a local issue and present their solution to the relevant governing body, has resulted in free public bus rides for all Pinellas County veterans.
June 1, 2023Student Research
New Emerging Technology Lab will allow students to explore augmented and virtual reality in the classroom
USF's College of Education wants to ensure students know how to utilize the latest technology through a new Emerging Technology Lab being developed on the St. Petersburg campus.
May 18, 2023Innovation, Research, Student Research
Global classroom collaboration with Moldova wins international partnerships award
A global classroom experience that brought together USF students with peers in Moldova to conduct joint research while an international humanitarian crisis was unfolding nearby received the inaugural International Partnerships Award from two political science associations.
May 11, 2023Global Research, Student Research
The dreams of three mothers live on through USF student research scholarship
Three emeritus professors from the USF College of Behavioral and Community Sciences are carrying on their mothers’ legacies through the creation of The Moms Project, a mentoring and scholarship program for undergraduate students who conduct research in areas that their mothers were passionate about: substance use disorders, nutrition and positive aging.
May 9, 2023Student Research
CBCS students recognized for outstanding research projects
Multiple students in the College of Behavioral and Community Sciences were honored at the Student Research Awards Luncheon hosted by USF Research and Innovation.
May 8, 2023Honors and Awards, Student Research
Undergraduate students awarded funding for research projects
Nine CBCS students have received Undergraduate Research Scholarship Awards through The Moms Project and Florida High Tech Corridor.
May 1, 2023Student Research
USF Audiology and USF Health ENT faculty mentor Malawi audiology students
The students recently presented the findings of their collaborative research project.
May 1, 2023Global Research, Health, Student Research
Providing real-world experience of being a scientist
The environmental field methods course at USF St. Petersburg is designed to give aspiring scientists real-world experience collecting samples in the field and analyzing data in the lab.
April 21, 2023Research, Student Research
Learn more about USF research by viewing articles from past years (2010-2019).
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